Key product

Two differential channels with 14-bit resolution at up to 125 MS/s per channel with a +/-25 V input range, 30+ MHz bandwidth with BNC Adapter
User-configurable hardware input filters
FFT, Spectrogram, Lock-In Amplifier, Additional Software Input Filters, Eye Diagram, XY Plot views, and more, in the WaveForms application
Arbitrary Waveform Generator:

Two channels with 14-bit resolution at up to 125 MS/s per channel with a +/-5 V output range, 12 MHz bandwidth with BNC Adapter
Standard waveforms, amplitude and frequency modulated signals, direct playback from analog inputs, custom waveforms, and more
Logic Analyzer and Pattern Generator:

16 digital I/O channels at up to 125 MS/s per channel
Individually-configurable 3.3 V digital inputs and outputs, 5 V tolerant inputs
SPI, I2C, UART, CAN, JTAG, ROM logic, custom protocols, and more
Programmable Power Supplies:

0.5 V to 5 V and -0.5 V to -5 V variable power supplies
Up to 800 mA per channel when used with an auxiliary power source
Additional Features:

Additional software instruments including:
Spectrum Analyzer, Network Analyzer, and Impedance Analyzer
Protocol Analyzer, virtual digital I/O such as buttons, switches, LEDs
Data logging, Voltmeter, in-app scripting
SDK for hardware control in C, C++, Python, and other languages
Support for LabVIEW and MATLAB


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